Academic Regulations - Supplementary Notes
Implementation of the Academic Regulations – Supplementary Notes
The following supplementary notes provide details of the timeframes for the implementation of specific elements of the Academic Regulations, as approved by Senate in May 2024.
- Taught Programme Structures1.1 Adherence to those clauses within the Academic Regulations relating to taught programme structures (i.e., 3.3, 3.5, 3.6) will be implemented within the agreed timeframes for the re-specification of programmes under Curriculum Redefined (and recorded with school/teaching unit and faculty Portfolio Development Plans).
1.2 Credit weightings for programme structures being taught out as Curriculum Redefined structures are phased in are provided within the specifications published on the programme catalogue.
- Progression and Award of Ordinary Bachelor Degrees2.1 Students who have registered with the University prior to 2024 – 25 academic year may be permitted to progress under the arrangements specified for progression on an Ordinary Bachelor Degree, on the recommendation of the relevant assessment committee. The credit requirements for the progression within, and the award of, the Ordinary Bachelor Degree are specified under 11 of the Rules for Award: 2023 – 24.
2.2 All other students will progress according to the requirements specified within the Academic Regulations. This means that, unless otherwise agreed in relation to the timeframe for the implementation of new programme structures under 1 above, for those students registered from the 2024-25 academic year the Ordinary Bachelor Degree will only be available as an Intermediate Concluding Qualification and will not be available as a target qualification or progression route.
- Classification Algorithm3.1 The University’s revised degree classification algorithm, as approved by Senate in July 2022, has been incorporated within the Academic Regulations. The previous classification algorithm as specified in the Rules for Award: 2023 – 24 (iteration A) will continue to apply to all students who have either:
- commenced their programme at Leeds before the 2022-23 academic year, OR
- commenced their final year before the 2024/25 academic year.
3.2 The classification algorithm as specified within the Academic Regulations will apply to all other students.
3.3 Details of how this will relate to specific entry cohorts can be provided on request by emailing the operations assessment team
- Medical and Mitigating Circumstances4.1 Provision under 7.3.4 of the Academic Regulations allows for the continuation of the application of medical and mitigating circumstances in degree classification. This clause will be removed or significantly amended, however, in the light of a review of the current mitigating circumstances procedure to be concluded prior to the commencement of the academic year 2025 – 26.
4.2 The recommendation that the provision as specified under 7.3.4 should be replaced with a more appropriate approach for implementation from the academic year 2025 – 26 was endorsed by Senate. The rationale for this recommendation included the need to provide better assurance in terms of consistency of application and therefore more equity for students, although it was recognised that a further year of implementation as specified under 7.3.4 was required to allow for an appropriate and thorough review of the full approach to mitigating circumstances.
- Diploma SupplementThere will be a full review of the Diploma Supplement to ensure that it aligns with the Academic Regulations in advance of its publication in 2025.