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Student complaints

Through the University's Student Complaints Procedure, we aim to investigate and resolve — effectively, fairly and transparently — any concern raised by a registered student or postgraduate researcher. The Procedure is used when concerns are expressed in relation to any of the following areas:

  • Academic provision
  • Deficiencies in the University's standards of service
  • Any failure to meet obligations
  • The quality of supervision or tuition
  • Any other issues affecting the quality of the student experience more generally

Students considering raising a complaint are encouraged, in the first instance, to approach a member of staff in the relevant School or Service. If you remain dissatisfied with the local response, or feel unable to resolve your complaint directly with the School or Service concerned, you should put your concerns in writing to the Head of Student Cases at

(If you require the document in an alternative, more accessible, format please contact the Student Cases team - see contact details below.)

Appeals against academic judgement (the outcome of degree examinations or assessments) and appeals against disciplinary decisions are covered by separate procedures — details of these procedures are available on the Student Cases team webpage.

Admissions-related complaints are reviewed in accordance with the procedure set out in the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate (taught and research) admissions policies.

If you wish to make a complaint under the Procedure, please use the Student Complaint Form.

Further procedural advice in these areas, or support to make a complaint can be obtained from the Student Cases team:

The Student Cases Team
The Secretariat


Last updated: 27.7.2023