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Committees of the University

Committees of the Council

Council (opens a separate page)
Audit and Risk
Ethics and Values Committee
Health and Safety
Nominating and Governance Committee
Strategy and Investment
Committee on Pensions
Student Discipline
Student Health and Conduct

Committees of the Senate

Senate (opens a separate page)
Committee on Applications
Digital Transformation Strategy Board
Graduate Board
International Strategy Board
Research and Innovation Board
Taught Student Education Board
University Special Cases Committee

Committees of the Court

Court (opens a separate page)
Honorary Degrees

Executive Committee

University Executive Group

Other Committees

Organisational Change Group
Professorial and Higher Academic-Related Staff Salaries


Committees of the Council

Audit and Risk Committee

1. The Council has established a committee of Council know as the Audit and Risk Committee.

2. It is the role of the Committee to advise and assist the Council in respect of the entire assurance and control environment of the institution.

3. Amongst other things, the Committee is thus responsible for advising the Council on the effectiveness of the University’s risk management arrangements, for reviewing at least annually the University’s risk appetite framework and institutional risk register, and for advising the Council on any further action needed to mitigate particular risks.  In that connection the Committee may monitor significant risks, sometimes examining specific risks in detail.  The Strategy and Investment Committee also has an interest in the University’s risk appetite and in the risks facing the University, but only insofar as they relate to the role of the Strategy and Investment Committee in advising the Council on the development of strategy and in monitoring the implementation of and performance against institutional strategy.  Specifically, the SIC will focus on the risk aspects of the strategy and in particular the specific projects within the strategy (including risks arising from the implementation of the strategy). The SIC will highlight any risks or major issues ensuing from its assessment of performance to the Committee.  On an annual basis, together with SIC, the Committee makes recommendations to Council on any changes to the levels of risk appetite the University is prepared to take to deliver its strategy.

4. The Committee and its Chair shall be appointed by the Council, from among its own members, and must consist of members with no executive responsibility for the management of the University. There shall be no fewer than three members; a quorum shall be two members. The Chair of the Council may not be a member of the Committee. Members may not have significant interests in the University.

5. At least one member shall have recent relevant experience in finance, accounting or auditing. The Committee may, if it considers it necessary or desirable, co-opt up to three members with particular expertise; co-opted members need not be members of the Council.

6. The membership of the Committee for 2024-25 is as follows:

Member since Current term of office
Heather Swanston (Chair) 2023 (Chair since 2024) 2024-27
Tom Clark 2019 2022-25
Liz Richards 2024 2024-27
Wallace Sampson 2024 2024-27

Attendance at meetings
7. The Chief Financial Officer, the Vice-Chancellor and representatives from the internal and external auditors shall normally attend meetings where business relevant to them is to be discussed. The Committee has the right, whenever it is satisfied that it is appropriate, to go into confidential session and exclude any or all other participants and observers other than the Committee Secretary.

Frequency of meetings
8. Meetings shall normally be held five times each financial year. The external or internal auditors may request additional meetings if they consider it necessary.

9. The Committee is authorised by Council to investigate any activity within its terms of reference. It is authorised to seek any information it requires from any employee and all employees are required to co-operate with any request made by the Committee.

10. The Committee is authorised by the Council to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of non-members with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary, normally in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Chancellor. However, it may not incur direct expenditure in this respect in excess of £10,000, without the prior approval of the Pro-Chancellor.

11. The Committee is authorised to approval all audit planning documents on behalf of the Council.

12. The Committee shall review the audit aspects of the draft annual financial statements. These aspects will include the external audit opinion, the statement of Council's responsibilities, the statement of internal control and any relevant issues raised in the external auditors' management letter. The Committee shall confirm with the internal or external auditors that the effectiveness of the internal control system has been reviewed, and comment on this in its annual report to the Council.

Terms of Reference
13. The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows:
(a) To advise the Council on the appointment of the external auditors, the audit fee, the provision of any non-audit services by the external auditors and any questions of resignation or dismissal of the external auditors. In respect of non-audit services, to review annually the policy on the engagement of the external auditors to supply such services and its implementation, taking into account relevant ethical guidance regarding the provision of non-audit services by the external audit firm; and to report to the Council, identifying any matters in respect of which it considers that action or improvement is needed and making recommendations as to the steps to be taken.

(b) To discuss with the external auditors, before the audit begins, the nature and scope of the audit.

(c) To discuss with the external auditors any problems and reservations arising from the interim and final audits, including a review of the management letter incorporating management responses, and any other matters the external auditors may wish to discuss (in the absence of management where necessary).

(d) To consider and advise the Council on the appointment and terms of engagement of the internal audit service, the audit fee, the provision of any non-audit services by the internal auditors and any questions of resignation or dismissal of the internal auditors.

(e) To review the internal auditors’ audit risk assessment, strategy and programme; to consider major findings of internal audit investigations and management's response; and promote co-ordination between the internal and external auditors. The Committee will ensure that the resources made available for internal audit are sufficient to meet the institution’s needs (or make a recommendation to the Council as appropriate).

(f) To keep under review the effectiveness of risk management, culture, control and governance arrangements, and in particular review the external auditor's management letter, the internal auditors’ annual report, and management responses.

(g) To review annually the University's risk appetite statement, institutional risk register and other risk registers as it considers appropriate, and to advise the Council on any issues arising, including any further action needed to mitigate particular risks.

(h) To monitor the implementation of agreed audit-based recommendations, from whatever source.

(i) To ensure that all significant losses have been properly investigated and that the internal and external auditors, and where appropriate the Office for Students and Research England, have been informed.

(j) To oversee the institution’s policies on fraud and irregularity, and on whistleblowing, including being notified of any action taken under those policies.

(k) To satisfy itself that satisfactory arrangements are in place to ensure the sustainability of the institution and to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

(l) To satisfy itself that effective arrangements are in place to ensure appropriate and accurate data returns are made to external stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

(m) To receive any relevant reports from the National Audit Office and its equivalents in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the regulator and other organisations.

(n) To monitor annually the performance and effectiveness of external and internal auditors, including any matters affecting their objectivity, and to make recommendations to the Council concerning their re-appointment, where appropriate.

(o) To monitor other relevant sources of assurance, for example other external reviews.

(p) To consider elements of the annual financial statements in the presence of the external auditor, including the auditor’s formal opinion, the statement of members’ responsibilities and the statement of internal control, in accordance with the OfS Accounts Direction.

(q) In the event of the merger or dissolution of the institution, to ensure that the necessary actions are completed, including arranging for a final set of financial statements to be completed and signed.

(r) To monitor and review the satisfactory discharge of the Council's obligations as set out in the schedule of assurance codifying the Council's specific responsibilities.

(s) As may be requested from time to time by the Council, to monitor arrangements for the implementation or execution of policy decisions and processes, major initiatives and projects, and to advise the Council on any action needed.

Reporting procedures
14. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee shall be circulated to all members of the Council and the Chair of the Committee (or in their absence, another member) shall supplement the minutes with an oral report and be available to answer questions on the work of the Committee.

15. The Committee must prepare an annual report covering the institution's financial year and any significant issues up to the date of preparing the report. The report shall be addressed to the Council and the Vice-Chancellor, and shall summarise the activity for the year. It shall give the Committee's opinion of the adequacy and effectiveness of the University's arrangements for the following

- risk management, control and governance (including the accurancy of the statement of internal control included with the annual statement of accounts)
- sustainability, economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money)

and respecting discharge of the Council's obligations and responsibilities.

16. This opinion shall be based on the information presented to the Committee. The Committee's annual report will normally be submitted to the Council before the members' responsibility statement in the annual financial statements are signed.

Clerking arrangements
17. The secretary to the Committee will be the Secretary to the University.

18. The Committee should periodically (and at a minimum of every four years) undertake a review of its terms of reference and recommend any changes to the Council.


Ethics and Values Committee

Role of the Committee
The University Ethics and Values Committee, a committee of the Council, provides governance oversight and assurance on ethical matters affecting the University in order to contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives, have regard to the University’s values, and to meeting regulatory and legal obligations.  It also provides an ethical and values-led framework for debate and decision-making on proposed institutional responses or activities that might have an impact on the University’s reputation or integrity.


  1. To provide an ethical perspective and advice to inform management decisions on specific issues and risks (both inside the University and in the external environment) which might pose significant ethical and/or reputational risk to the University to help inform Council discussions and decisions and facilitate the delivery of University business and to advise the Council as necessary on ethical issues.
  1. To ensure appropriate mitigation of ethical risks and monitor the institution’s response to ethical challenges.
  1. To foster an environment in which ethics and integrity are firmly embedded in the University’s Values and culture and ensure there are appropriate structures for the ethical approval of activities.
  1. To advise on the development of institutional policies and guidelines relating to ethical issues arising from research and other activities; to oversee, on behalf of Council, the application of these policies and associated procedures and arrangements, and to monitor their effectiveness.
  1. To provide governance oversight on behalf of Council of ethical matters relating to equity, diversity and inclusion across the University, investments, partnerships and sustainability (Net Zero).
  1. To act as an advisory group to Council and the University Executive on ethical issues as required.
  1. To approve changes to the terms of reference of its sub-committees and guidance on cases of uncertainty raised by the University Research Ethics Committee, Gift Acceptance Committee and the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Committee.

The Committee will report to Council on its work and the governance of ethical issues at the University (annually).

The Committee will receive reports from the University Research Ethics Committee, the Gift Acceptance Committee, the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Committee, and any other committees which consider ethical matters.

A lay Chair who shall be appointed by the Council (Janet Sheriff)

The Vice-Chancellor and President
Academic Council member (Alice O’Grady)
A representative from the Leeds University Union (Lucy Hart)
A nominee from the University Chaplaincy (TBC)

Appointed members
3 members appointed by the Council (Peter Jimack, Seb Elsworth and Helen Grantham)

The Committee may co-opt up to two academic staff of the University with relevant expertise in relation to ethics (Paul Johnson and Yasmin Hussain)

In attendance
The University Secretary and Registrar
The Chairs of the Gift Acceptance Committee, Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Board and University Research Ethics Committee



Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee

Terms of Reference
1. To monitor the University’s arrangements for the management of health and safety via

• reports from Wellbeing, Safety and Health Services (including those relating to the Service's strategy and objectives);

• reports on any untoward incidents carrying a major risk to health and safety;

• reports on any enforcement action served on the University by the Health and Safety Executive or any other regulatory body;

• reports on issues of significance from Faculty or Service health and safety committees, biological safety or radiation protection committees, or directly from Executive Deans/Heads of Schools and Services.

2. To discuss issues of health and safety policy and practice raised by the trade unions.

3. To consider and initiate proposals to add to or amend the University’s health and safety policies and procedures (1)

4. To review the scope of the University’s health and safety arrangements to ensure that they are comprehensive and complete and that accountability for different responsibilities is clear; and to approve the disposition of health and safety responsibilities.

5. To report as appropriate to the Council on routine business and monitoring information, and to alert it to any accidents or incidents posing major risks.

(1) Significant changes or additions to policies require the approval of the Council, but the Committee is authorised to resolve other changes and additions

The Vice-Chancellor and President - in the Chair, ex-officio

A nominee of the Council: Dr Yvette Oade

The Executive Deans of Faculty (or, should the Dean be unavoidably detained on other business, his/her nominee)

Trade Union Representatives:
UCU x 3

Two nominees of the Students’ Union (Freshta Amiry)

The power to co-opt one or two specialist academics

In attendance:
Director of Wellbeing, Safety and Health
Director of People and Culture
Director of Campus Innovation and Development
University Secretary and Registrar
Head of Health and Safety
Head of Health and Wellbeing


Nominating and Governance Committee

To oversee and make recommendation to Council as appropriate on matters concerning membership and representation on Council and its committees and the operation and effectiveness of corporate governance arrangements, in line with best practice.

Terms of reference

  1. To make recommendation to Council on the operation and effective discharge of the University scheme for corporate governance and the appropriate delegation of Council’s authority.
  2. To make recommendation to Council on proposed changes to the University’s Charter, Statutes and Ordinances.
  3. To make recommendation to Council on developments and good practice in governance and the conduct of Council business, taking cognisance of national guidelines.
  4. To make recommendation to Council on the establishment, terms of reference, composition, membership and disestablishment of its standing committees and their standing sub-committees.
  5. To review the effectiveness of Council, Senate and Committees and to report to Council on the same.
  6. To oversee external reviews of effectiveness of Council and associated actions.
  7. To oversee and approve the appointment of members of Council and its Committees, having regard to the balance of membership, succession planning and the needs of the University and having regard to the equality and diversity characteristics of the Council and Committees.
  8. To consider where appropriate the removal of Council members for good reason, as specified in Statute I.
  9. To submit to the Court recommendations to fill vacancies for:
    - members of the Court in the category co-opted by the Court;
    - up to two members of the Court, being retired members of the staff of the University who, within the five-year period preceding their retirement, have held office within the University either as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
  10. To recommend to Council and Senate the arrangements for the appointment of the University Chancellor.
  11. To recommend to Council the arrangements for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor.
  12. To recommend to the Council nominations for appointment to the position of Chair of Council, Deputy Pro Chancellors and University Secretary, in accordance with Statute II.

Composition and membership
The Chair of Council (ex-officio Chair)
The Vice-Chancellor and President
Three lay members appointed by the Council:
Dr Yvette Oade and Janet Sheriff.

Officers in attendance
University Secretary and Registrar, Deputy Secretary and Head of Governance Support


Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. In the light of comparative information on any salaries and other benefits and conditions of service in the sector, and taking into account the University’s interests and the public interest, to review annually and to determine the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor and President and all other members of the University Executive Group.
  2. To receive appropriate information on additional external income accruing to the Vice-Chancellor and President and other members of the University Executive Group, and to consider the appropriateness of the policy on external income.
  3. To set the reward framework for senior post holders and to receive a report from the Professorial and Senior Staff Salary Review Committee.
  4. To note annually any salary increases which take a member of staff’s total remuneration package above £100,000, whether as an explicit retention decision or otherwise.
  5. To note annually recruitment involving total remuneration packages above £100,000.
  6. Taking into account both the University’s interests and the public interest, to advise the Council on any proposed severance settlement for the Vice-Chancellor and President; to approve any proposed severance settlements for other members of the University Executive Group;  and to note severance settlements for other members of staff whose total remuneration package is over £100,000.
  7. To review annually the Gender Pay Gap and other available equality, diversity & inclusion analyses and to reflect how any issues might best be addressed in senior appointment and reward processes.
  8. To report annually to the Council. [The annual report will comply with the requirements of the Office for Students accounts direction]
  9. To review its terms of reference annually.

The Chair, a lay member of council (appointed by the Council), currently: Helen Grantham
The Pro-Chancellor
Three lay nominees of the Council, currently:

  • Mr Seb Elsworth
  • Mr Ken Sargison

In attendance
The Vice-Chancellor and President, University Secretary and Registrar and Director of People and Culture shall attend meetings when their attendance is necessary for the purposes of sharing information and giving advice to the Committee, but under no circumstances will they be present when their own performance or remuneration is being considered.


Strategy and Investment Committee

The role of the Strategy and Investment Committee
The essence of the role of the Strategy and Investment Committee is to advise the Council on the development and implementation of the University strategy and to advise it on major investment, funding and borrowing decisions, looking at issues in greater depth than is practicable in a meeting of the full Council. The Committee therefore helps the Council to discharge its responsibilities
~ for the long-term strategic direction of the University, informed by an appropriate risk appetite and captured in ambitious goals;
~ to support the executive in implementing agreed strategy;
~ for the stewardship of the University’s assets;
~ for monitoring performance against strategy.

In this spirit, the Committee offers constructive and supportive challenge to the executive, expecting the executive to be open about challenges, concerns and performance issues.

To enable it to advise the Council on the direction of strategy, the Committee receives regular reports from the executive, monitors agreed KPIs, undertakes periodic review of the external environment and comparative performance against benchmarks; and it reviews and helps to determine the investment envelope at any given time.

With regard to risk management, the Committee’s overall role is to ensure the strategy is delivered using a measured risk taking approach, which includes an understanding of the level of risk being undertaken to implement the strategy.  Specifically, as agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), the Committee will focus on the risk aspects of the strategy and in particular the specific projects within the strategy (including risks arising from the implementation of the strategy).  The Committee will highlight any risks or major issues ensuing from its assessment of performance to the ARC.  On an annual basis, together with ARC, the Committee makes recommendations to Council on any changes to the levels of risk appetite the University is prepared to take to deliver its strategy.

Terms of Reference

  1. In the light of reports from the executive officers, to advise the Council on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy.
  2. To monitor implementation of and performance against the University’s strategy and to report thereon to the Council, if necessary suggesting modifications to the strategic direction.
  3. To undertake risk reviews on the implementation and delivery of the University’s strategy and projects within the strategy, advising the Audit and Risk Committee of any emerging risks or major issues.
  4. On an annual basis, alongside the Audit and Risk Committee, to review the institution’s risk appetite levels in respect of the delivery of the University’s strategy and to make recommendations to the Council as appropriate.
  5. To advise the Council on major investment decisions, reviewing emerging proposals before business cases are finalised for submission to the Council.  In doing so, the Committee will assess any new investments against the current level of risk being taken to implement the University’s strategy.  Any deviation from the institution’s agreed risk appetite will be approved by the Committee in consultation with the Audit and Risk Committee
  6. To advise the Council on major funding and borrowing decisions, including any significant changes to treasury policy.
  7. To advise the Council on such other matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Council, the Pro-Chancellor or the executive team

Seb Elsworth (in the Chair)
Up to five other members of the Council, to be appointed by the Council, currently:
Stephanie Burras
Tom Clark
Peter Goldsbrough
Ken Sargison
Yvette Oade


Committee on Pensions

Terms of Reference

  1. To frame responses to all consultations from the trustee or employers' representatives about the valuation or governance of - or proposed changes to - the Universities Superannuation Scheme on the basis that
  • when time allows, responses drawn up by the Group on significant policy issues or questions of principle will be put to the Council for determination; but that
  • otherwise the Group itself will determine responses.
  1. To formulate advice on the University’s Pension and Assurance Scheme and any other pensions matters referred to it by the Council or the relevant executive lead.

Chair: Helen Grantham

Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee (Heather Swanston)
Chair of the Strategy and Investment Committee (Seb Elsworth)
Up to three other members of the Council (vacant)

In attendance
Chair of Council, Vice-Chancellor and President, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, University Secretary and Registrar, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Director of Finance, Director of People and Culture and Director of Communications and Engagement.


Committee on Student Discipline

Terms of Reference
To determine for and on behalf of the Council cases of student discipline and to decide upon the imposition of penalties.


Chair, Appointed by the Council - Professor Laura Treadgold
3-5 Members (including the Chair) to be co-opted from the academic members of the University Community
Professor Peter Jimack
Professor Elaine Martin
Professor Paul Johnson


  • The quorum is 3 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings shall not normally exceed 5 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings shall, where practicable, be gender balanced. No member will be from the same School as, or be otherwise associated with, any student or postgraduate researcher appearing before the Committee.


Committee on Student Health and Conduct

Terms of Reference
To determine for and on behalf of the Council cases that call into question either a student’s health and/or fitness to practise professionally [See the University Code of Practice on Health and Conduct], which have been referred to the Committee by the Faculty of Medicine and Health and Education or elsewhere if the programme leads to a registrable qualification in other clinical professions.

Chair, Appointed by the Council - Professor Laura Treadgold
3-5 Members

One Member shall be a fully registered practitioner in the profession for which the student is studying.


  • The quorum is 3 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings shall not normally exceed 5 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings shall, where practicable, be gender balanced. No member will be from the same School as, or be otherwise associated with, any student or postgraduate researcher appearing before the Committee.


Committees of the Senate

Committee on Applications

Terms of Reference
Acting on behalf of the Senate to:

(a) consider and resolve appeals against the decision of their examiners lodged by candidates registered upon research degrees and taught programmes of study;

(b) consider, resolve and, where appropriate, impose penalties on candidates for taught and research degrees against whom a case of cheating or other forms of academic malpractice has been made.

Professor Mitch Waterman
Professor Nicola Stonehouse
Professor Laura Treadgold
Professor Anne Tallontire
Dr Kelvin Tapley
Dr Amanda Harrison
Professor Melanie Prideaux

The Pro-Deans for Student Education and Deputies:
Arts, Humanities & Cultures  - Professor Melanie Prideaux
Education, Social Sciences and Law - Dr Victoria Honeyman, Dr Jackie Salter
Business School - Professor Cathy Myles, Mr Tony Aldred
Biological Sciences - Professor Aysha Divan
Environment - Dr Lisa Marshall
Engineering  & Physical Sciences - Professor Ozz Querin
Medicine & Health  - Dr Amanda Harrison

The eight Faculty Heads of Graduate Schools   
Arts, Humanities & Cultures - Dr Pammi Sinha
Education, Social Sciences and Law - Professor Jen Hendry
Business School - Dr Efthymia Kesidou
Biological Sciences - Dr Ronaldo Ichiyama
Environment - Professor Bernadette Moore
Engineering & Physical Sciences - Dr Miller Camargo Valero
Medicine & Health - Dr Peter Laslo

Nominees of the Senate:
Dr Stuart Barber, School of Maths
Mrs Angela Carroll, LUBS

Co-opted members
To be drawn from a pool of current Directors of Student Education, Academic Integrity Leads, and Directors of Postgraduate Research Studies.

In attendance:
The Student Cases Team, University Secretariat


  • The quorum is 3 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings shall not normally exceed 5 members including the Chair.
  • Committee meetings will include expertise as relevant to each case e.g. PGR expertise
  • Committee meetings shall, where practicable, include one person who is not male.
  • No member will be from the same School as any student or postgraduate researcher appearing before the Committee.  Members are asked to discuss any other potential conflict of interest with the Chair, in advance of the meeting.


Digital Transformation Strategy Board

Key responsibilities

Digital Transformation Strategy Board provides governance oversight and assurance on the development and achievement of the University’s Digital Transformation Strategy and related initiatives. It also has due regard to the work of the other committees of the Senate.

1. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s Digital Transformation Strategy and the achievement of its strategic objectives.

2. To monitor the performance of research and innovation activities against relevant University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics.

3. To refer, facilitate and commission activities to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and KPIs, and to monitor the impact of such work.

4. To review and monitor that appropriate facilities and resources are in place to support the Digital Transformation strategy and related enabling IT initiatives.

5. To monitor the alignment of Faculty, School and Service plans with the University’s Digital ambitions.

6. To consider and review the following:

i. strategies underpinning the deliver of digital transformation
ii. major partnerships between staff, students and external collaborators in digital transformation initiatives
iii. collaborations and civic engagement relating to digital transformation and IT developments

7. To contribute to and advise on the University’s response to relevant external consultations and ensure appropriate engagement with external networks.

8. To review the communications strategy for digital transformation and IT developments.

9. To communicate with the other Boards of the Senate where issues of common interest are concerned.

10. To establish/oversee any sub-groups as required to deliver/monitor specific areas of the Board’s remit and to receive reports and updates from such groups as needed.

Frequency of meetings: to meet  quarterly

Chair: Dean for Digital Transformation

Dean for Online and Digital Education
A Pro-Dean for Student Education
A Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation
A Pro-Dean for International
A Head of School
Director, Horizons Institute
Dean: Student Education (Experience)
Dean of Leeds Doctoral College
Director of Finance
Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Chief Information Officer
Director of Campus Innovation and Development
Director of the Digital Education Service
Head of Business Information and Data Analytics
A representative from Leeds University Union LUU

In attendance (as appropriate):
Head of Marketing Services
The University Librarian
Director of Communications and Engagement
Director of Advancement
Director of HR (Service and Organisational Change)
Co-Director OD&PL
Director of Academic Practice OD&PL
Director of Student Opportunity
Director of Research and Innovation Development
Director of Sustainability

Graduate Board

Terms of Reference

Graduate Board is responsible for providing governance oversight, assurance, and strategic direction on all matters relating to postgraduate researcher (PGR) education.

  1. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s Research and Student Education Strategies and the achievement of their strategic objectives, as applicable to PGR education.
  1. To monitor the performance of PGR education activities against relevant University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and to oversee other relevant metrics and information relating to quality, standards and PGR success.
  1. To refer, facilitate and commission activities to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and KPIs, and to monitor the impact of such work.
  1. To recommend to Senate policies for approval in relation to research degrees and higher doctorates, including those offered in collaboration with other institutions, or by other institutions whose research degree programmes are accredited by the University of Leeds.
  1. To oversee research degrees governed by Ordinance X, and higher doctorates governed by Ordinance XII, in consultation with the Taught Student Education Board where taught modules form part of a research degree programme.
  1. To oversee the strategic development of the Leeds Doctoral College in line with the PGR Strategic Vision, including Faculty Graduate Schools, Doctoral College Operations and other bodies or units as appropriate.
  1. To oversee the recruitment and admission of PGRs through the work of the PGR Recruitment Group and to approve related regulation and policies for the admissions of research degrees.
  1. To ensure, working with and through the PGR Programmes and Quality Group the maintenance of quality and standards for research degree programmes; to consider, and approve where appropriate (a) amendments to the regulations for research degrees, (b) the introduction of new programmes of study and (c) amendments to programmes of study; and to recommend to the Senate amendments to Ordinances arising from any of the above actions.
  1. To delegate authority to the PGR Progressions and Examinations Group to (a) ratify examination results for research degrees and higher doctorates and to award such degrees and (b) confer them in absentia, where requested by the candidate.
  1. Promote and facilitate innovative approaches to PGR skills development and training through the PGR Development Steering Group.
  1. Working with the PGR Pricing and Scholarships Group, and the Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships Steering Group oversee scholarship and funding matters relating to PGRs, (including Research Councils and other external sponsors), and to recommend and implement policy on University-funded scholarships for PGRs.
  1. To oversee matters relating to the needs, welfare and achievements of PGRs and to support PGR activities in consultation with other bodies (including Leeds University Union) where appropriate.
  1. To communicate with the other Boards of the Senate, in particular Taught Student Education Board and Research and Innovation Board, where issues of common interest are concerned and where issues of common interest are concerned and to send representatives to both these Boards.
  1. To establish/oversee any sub-groups as required to deliver/monitor specific areas of the Board’s remit and to receive reports and updates from such groups as needed.

Chair: Dean of the Leeds Doctoral College (Professor Luke Windsor)

Ex-Officio Members
Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Innovation
Deputy Vice Chancellor: Student Education
Pro-Dean International from one of the faculties

Heads of Graduate Schools (Chair of Graduate School Committee)
Arts, Humanities and Cultures
Biological Sciences
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Medicine and Health
Social Sciences

LUU Representation
The Education Officer of the University Union (ex officio)
International & Postgraduate Officer
PGR Representative to be appointed by LUU
Postgraduate Engagement Officer

Elected and Co-opted Members
One member elected by and from the Faculties
One member elected by and from the Senate
Representative of Taught Student Education Board

Chairs of the Groups of the Board and Academic Leads
PGR Progression and Examination Group
PGR Academic Integrity Lead

Representatives from Accredited Institutions
One Representative of York St John University
One Representative of Leeds Trinity University

Professional Services Representation
Representative from ODPL
Director of Student Education Service
SES Service Delivery Manager (Doctoral College)
Head of Doctoral College Programmes
Student Education Service Partner
Head of Research Support and Digital Libraries


International Strategy Board

Terms of Reference

1. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s International Strategy and the achievement of its strategic objectives.

2. To monitor the performance of research and innovation activities against relevant University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics.

3. To refer, facilitate and commission activities to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and KPIs, and to monitor the impact of such work.

4. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s international strategy and the achievement of its global engagement objectives.

5. To oversee and monitor the development and delivery of the University’s international strategy.

6. To monitor the alignment of Faculty, School and Service plans with the University’s international strategy.

7. Through reports from its sub-committees, consider and review the following:

i. the development of international education and research partnerships
ii. the performance and strategic alignment of major international collaborations
iii. engagement and collaboration with international industrial partners and businesses
iv. engagement with international networks.

8. To contribute to and advise on the University’s response to relevant external consultations.

9. To communicate with the other Boards of the Senate where issues of common interest are concerned.

10. To establish/oversee any sub-groups as required to deliver/monitor specific areas of the Board’s remit and to receive reports and updates from such groups as needed.

Chair: Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Faculty Pro-Deans: International
A Pro-Dean for Student Education
A Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation
Deans: Global Development
Dean: Student Education (Experience)
Dean of Leeds Doctoral College
Marketing Director
Director of Research and Innovation Development
Director of International Office
Director of Digital Education Service
Associate Director of Global Research Partnerships
Head of International Partnership and Engagement
A representative from Leeds University Union LUU (Felix Emotu)

In attendance
Director of Advancement
Director of International Pathway Programmes
Director of the Language Centre
Deputy Director of Student Opportunity
Director of Communications and Engagement
Human Resources Manager (International)
Head of Quality Assurance
Head of International Market Development & Student Recruitment Representative from Strategy and Planning


Research and Innovation Board

Terms of Reference

1. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s Research and Innovation Strategy and the achievement of its strategic objectives.

2. To monitor the performance of research and innovation activities against relevant University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics.

3. To refer, facilitate and commission activities to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and KPIs, and to monitor the impact of such work.

4. To ensure that approaches to research and innovation strategy and delivery are integrated with and complementary to the University’s portfolio of research-led student education and international strategies, developments and initiatives.

5. To oversee the implementation of an ambitious vision for research and innovation, providing high-quality research intelligence and identifying strategic opportunities.

6. To approve University-level targets for research and innovation performance and quality, consistent with School and Faculty targets, and to monitor and support delivery against these targets.

7. To approve recommendations for strategic external partnerships with Business, Industry, Government and the Public Sector, to maximise research and innovation impact and engagement with society and to support and encourage entrepreneurship.

8. To oversee the integration of Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher development into a coherent strategy for maximising the potential of researchers and research leaders at all stages, in order to develop and retain talent within the University.

9. To ensure a responsible and open approach to research and to actively create a positive, inclusive research culture.

10. To ensure regulatory compliance for matters relating to research and innovation.

11. To communicate with the other Boards of the Senate, in particular Taught Student Education Board and Graduate Board, where issues of common interest are concerned.

12. To establish/oversee any sub-groups as required to deliver/monitor specific areas of the Board’s remit and to receive reports and updates from such groups as needed.


Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation

Ex-Officio Members
The Faculty Pro-Deans for Research and Innovation

Dean for Research Quality
Dean for Research Culture
Director, Horizons Institute
Dean of the Leeds Doctoral College
Director of Commercialisation
Director of Research and Innovation Development
Director of Knowledge Exchange and Impact
Director of Nexus
The University Librarian
Representative from IT and OD&PL

Elected Members
One member elected by and from the Faculties
One member elected by and from the Senate


Taught Student Education Board

Terms of Reference

1. To advise and make recommendations to the University Executive Group, Senate and Council on the University’s Student Education Strategy and the achievement of its strategic objectives.

2. To monitor the performance of student education activities against:

i. relevant University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics

ii. other relevant metrics and information relating to the quality, standards and taught student success of the University’s student education.

3. To refer, facilitate and commission activities to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and KPIs, and to monitor the impact of such work.

4. To monitor and advise on the delivery and management of student education, forwarding recommendations to the Senate and the Council as appropriate.

5. To oversee the University’s holistic approach to student education, in identifying, promoting, and enhancing best practice in learning, teaching, assessment and the broader student education experience and in monitoring the implementation of strategies underpinning the delivery of Student Education.

6. To oversee the development of the University’s portfolio of taught programmes, including, on the delegated authority of the Senate, to approve:

i. the approval, modification and withdrawal of programmes and collaborative provision arrangements and processes relating to them;

ii. policy and processes in relation to the University’s rolling and periodic review of taught student education;

iii. the University’s regulatory frameworks for taught student education relating to progression and awards.

7. To oversee and keep under review policy at University, faculty and discipline level for the maintenance of standards and quality assurance in relation to all aspects of student learning, teaching and assessment, including, under delegated authority of Senate, approval of related processes.

8. To oversee the University’s approach to admissions and recruitment of taught students, making recommendations to the Senate as appropriate to approve University policies, regulations and procedures for such activities.

9. To oversee institutional preparations for the external monitoring of the University’s student education provision in respect of quality, standards and taught student success.

10. To consider and respond to issues raised via the University’s and Leeds University Union’s framework for student representation.

11. To communicate with the other Boards of the Senate, in particular Research and Innovation Board and Graduate Board, where issues of common interest are concerned.

12. To establish/oversee any sub-groups as required to deliver/monitor specific areas of the Board’s remit and to receive reports and updates from such groups as needed.

Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education

Representatives from Leeds University Union
Education Officer
Wellbeing Officer
Representative of LUU Staff

Dean for Student Education (Portfolio & Curriculum)
Dean for Student Education (Student Experience)
Dean for Student Education (Quality and Standards)
Faculty Pro-Deans for Student Education
Chair of the Cross Institution Taught Student Education Committee
A Dean: Online Education
A Head of School
A Director of Student Education
Graduate Board Representative
Director of Academic Practice and Co-Director of OD&PL
Director of the Learning Design Agency
The University Librarian
Director of the Student Education Service
Director of Marketing (Education Portfolio)
Director of Educational Engagement
Head of Student Cases
Head of Quality Assurance

Elected Members
One member elected by and from the Faculties
One member elected by and from the Senate


University Special Cases Committees

Terms of reference

1. To consider and determine for and on behalf of the Senate recommendations from Schools:

(a) that, because of unclear or uncertain adverse mitigating circumstances, candidates be permitted to continue or  progress on a programme of study, notwithstanding that they have failed to satisfy the requirements to do so as specified by the regulations;

(b) that, notwithstanding the requirements and provisions of the regulations, candidates be permitted to progress or graduate;

(c) that, because of exceptionally poor examination performance, candidates be required to withdraw from or have their opportunities to progress restricted in their programme of study, notwithstanding that the regulations permit further opportunities to continue or to progress;

(d) that, for exceptional reasons, special arrangements be approved for individual candidates in respect of the taking and sitting of University Assessments and Examinations;

(e) that published decisions of the Examiners be changed; and

(f) for the award of an Aegrotat or Posthumous Degree or other Awards.

2. In addition to the stipulated arrangements for such awards through the powers delegated by the Senate to the School Board of Examiners, award degrees, diplomas and certificates to candidates.

3. To determine finally on the interpretation and application of regulations, rules and conventions for the assessment and examination of taught programmes of study.  To ensure that such regulations, rules and conventions are applied properly and consistently, both to individual cases that come before the Committee and where guidance is sought from School Boards of Examiners.

4. To advise the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education as s/he requests on action to be taken where Schools have reported students for poor attendance and lack of attention to coursework and have requested exclusion from the programme and hence the University.

Chair - Professor Alice O’Grady, Dean of Quality and Standards

The Pro-Deans: Student Education
Arts, Humanities and Cultures - Professor Melanie Prideaux
Education, Social Sciences and Law  - Dr Jackie Salter, Dr Victoria Honeyman
Leeds University Business School - Mrs Cathy Myles, Mr Tony Aldred
Biological Sciences - Dr Aysha Divan
Environment - Dr Lisa Marshall
Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor Ozz Querin
Medicine & Health - Dr Amanda Harrison

In addition, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to 3 additional Members from the Academic Student Education community

In attendance:
The Student Cases Team


Committee of the Court

Committee on Honorary Degrees

Terms of Reference
To select and submit to the Court the names of persons (if any) upon whom, in the Committee's opinion, Honorary Degrees of this University should be conferred.

The Chancellor
The Chair of Council
The Vice-Chancellor and President
A Deputy Vice-Chancellor
A nominee of the University Union (Lydia Shale)

Up to 3 nominees of the Council (at least 1 of whom should be an Alumni):
Colin Ions and Janet Sheriff
Up to 3 nominees of the Senate:
Masud Khokhar, Dr Amanda Harrison
University Secretary and Registrar

Executive Committee

University Executive Group

Terms of reference
1. To exercise executive leadership within the University, in particular

(a) To protect and promote the interests of students at all times;
(b) To nurture the wider University community, promoting equality, diversity and inclusion at all times and supporting staff in realising their career aspirations in line with the values of the University and its education and research mission;
(c) To maintain academic standards in both education and research, to facilitate new approaches to education, research and innovation, and to extend opportunity and secure societal impact;
(d) To ensure the academic development of the University and secure its academic and financial sustainability, reporting to the Senate and Council as required;
(e) To oversee the development of University policy for the approval of Senate and Council;
(f) To oversee the timely and effective implementation of the University’s Strategic plan and the achievement of key strategic objectives and performance targets;
(g) To identify and manage risks facing the University, advising the Council as necessary;
(h) To advise the Council, and where appropriate Senate, on the management of the University’s resource allocation model, the annual General Revenue Budget Statement, investments (so far as possible to a rolling five-year horizon) and the allocation of resources to faculties, schools and services;
(i) To initiate constitutional, policy and organisational change for consultation when it is appropriate to do so;
(j) To discharge the executive functions prescribed in the University’s Scheme of Delegation, the financial procedures of the University and other relevant instruments;
(k) To advise the Vice-Chancellor and President across the full range of their responsibilities as the chief executive and principal academic officer of the University;
(l) Working as appropriate with regional, national and international partners, to promote academic excellence within an ethical framework.

2. To operate at all times with care, responsibility and accountability, in accordance with the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances of the University, policies agreed from time to time by the Senate and the Council, the University’s financial procedures and regulations, and the external regulatory requirements that may apply at any given time.

The Vice-Chancellor and President (Chair)

The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation
The Executive Deans of Faculty
The Chief Operating Officer
The Chief Financial Officer
The University Secretary and Registrar

Deputies are permitted, but should be identified to the Secretariat at the beginning of the session. Exceptionally, they may attend and participate at the discretion of the chair.

Quorum: Two-fifths of membership (rounded up)

Officers in attendance:
Director of People and Culture
Director of Communications and Engagement
The Principal Executive Officer/s

Other Committees

Organisational Change Group

Terms of Reference
1. The Chair will be a senior officer of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

2. The group will consist of the Chair and:
2.1. Up to six nominees from the three recognised campus trades unions, at least one and normally two from each trade union.
2.2. Up to six nominees from the management side, to include representatives from HR and relevant senior leaders.
2.3. Where appropriate, trade union regional officers may attend for items of significance.

3. The remit of the OCG will be as follows:

3.1. To provide opportunities for communication and/or meaningful consultation as appropriate and as required with the trades unions on:

3.1.1. Proposed organisational restructurings, including the rationale for change.
3.1.2. Proposed change implementation plans including engagement and governance arrangements.
3.1.3. Proportionate and, where required, ongoing impact assessments of organisational changes.
3.1.4. Progress reports on organisational restructurings, in order to ensure effective coordination and mitigation of any issues or risks (including redundancy avoidance).
3.1.5. Proposals for dismissals by reason of redundancy as a result of organisational restructuring/s.
3.1.6 Proposed changes to the policy guidance.

3.2 To share relevant data and information as necessary in support of the activity listed in 3.1.

3.3 To promote effective change management practice including enhancements to management and HR guidance.

3.4 It is not expected that the OCG will be normally or routinely concerned with matters of limited change or the expiry of fixed term contracts, but there may be exceptional occasions where this is invoked.

Note 1: OCG meetings will be minuted and minutes circulated to attendees following the meeting by the Employee Relations Team within 10 working days, or with 5 working days’ notice of the next meeting, except in urgent cases by agreement.


The Chair: A senior officer of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

Up to six nominees, normally two from each of the three recognised campus trades unions. On occasions when regional officers are in attendance, this will be in addition to the six.

When determining membership from the management side, priority will be given to the relevant senior leaders with the decision making authority for the specific organisational area.

Up to six nominees from the management side likely to include:
Representatives from HR senior leadership
Relevant Heads of HR
Relevant senior leaders

The meeting will be supported by the Employee Relations Team. An administrator for the trades unions may attend by agreement.

Attendance of individuals from either side for the purposes of shadowing and training will be by agreement in advance of the meeting.

Committee on Professorial and Higher Academic-Related Staff Salaries

Terms of Reference
1. To determine annually the individual salaries of professors and higher academic-related staff, other than for those staff who have their salaries determined by the Remuneration Committee, and to award discretionary increases as appropriate.

2. To consider and decide upon recommendations from Departmental Promotions Committees for the award of discretionary increments to Senior Lecturers and Equivalent staff.

3. To monitor all honoraria payments and to approve honoraria payments of £3,500 and above.

Vice-Chancellor and President(ex officio)
The Deputy Vice-Chancellors (ex officio)

In attendance:
Secretary and Registrar
Director of Human Resources
Recruitment and Administrative Co-ordinator