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Policies, Procedures and Codes of Practice

A summary of the policies, procedures and Codes of Practice directly administered by the Secretariat follows below:

Governance Support

Legal Affairs

Safeguarding children, young persons and adults in vulnerable circumstances:

  • Policy on safeguarding children, young persons and adults in vulnerable circumstances
  • Guidance on organising activities for children or adults in vulnerable circumstances

Student Cases

See Student Cases webpage for a comprehensive list

Other Matters

Further University policies, procedures and codes of practice which relate more indirectly to the Secretariat's work include:


Export Controls

The University has ratified its Export Controls Policy. This policy applies to all academic staff, researchers, post graduate researchers, undergraduate students, research support staff, research managers, support staff and administrators.

Policy on socially responsible investment

The University has in place a Policy on socially responsible investment
(further details on financial procedures and policies are available at the University's Finance pages)

Risk Management

The University's risk management arrangements are overseen by the Director of Risk Management (Paul Griffiths). Key documents are set out below: